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Adventures in Composting: From Waste to Food and Back Again

Want to introduce your kids to the benefits of composting, and get them thinking about waste reduction?  This is the workshop for you! We will have an interactive, hands-on time talking about compost, worms, and fungi, including up-close looks at all three with microscopes. Plus we'll start growing some oyster mushrooms on cardboard! This is your chance to get up close with the issue of food waste, and learn how to turn waste into something good for the earth – and tasty too!

When: June 14, 4:30 - 5:45 PM

Where: New Holland Ave. Recycling Center, 415 Harrisburg Ave., Lancaster PA

This even is hosted by Eve Bratman, Environmental Studies professor at Franklin & Marshall College. Check out all the neat stuff Eve does with composting in Lancaster! (
Blackbirds for Kids event

June 12

Seed bombs

June 14

Edible Classroom